
Fae comes with three user roles with three different authorization levels by default.

If you want to use these roles to limit access to certain objects you can by updating Fae::AuthorizationConcern

Authorization Concern

The Authorization Concern is generated when you install Fae and can be found at app/models/concerns/fae/authorization_concern.rb.

If you don’ t have this file, you probably installed Fae before the feature was added. Update Fae and copy this file to the location above to get started.

Access Map

The only thing within Fae::AuthorizationConcern you’ll need to touch is the access_map. The access_map is a hash of authorization definitions, each formatted like this:

plural_controller_name => array_of_roles
plural_controller_name a string of the plural controller name referencing the object
array_of_roles an array of stringed role names with access to object

The access_map will only be able to manage authorization on objects created in the parent app.

Authorizing Content Blocks

To limit content blocks (or pages), use "content_blocks/#{page_name}" as the format for the plural_controller_name.


module Fae
  module AuthorizationConcern
    extend ActiveSupport::Concern
    module ClassMethods

      def access_map
          'people' => ['super admin'],
          'locations' => ['super admin', 'admin'],
          'content_blocks/homepage' => ['super admin', 'admin', 'custom role']
          'content_blocks/about_us' => ['super admin', 'admin', 'custom role']


Custom Roles

You can define a new Fae::Role by creating it in the console:

Fae::Role.create(name: 'asset manager')

Custom roles will have the same permissions as Fae’s user role and they won’t be able to inherit any higher access levels.

Once the new role has been created, you’ll be able to define the role in the access_map and assign the role to admin users.