In order to add validation that is conditional you must configure FAE and Judge by using custom eachValidators
Once you’ve done this you can require a field based on the value of another. For example: if you only want to require a slug
field if you check detail page
checkbox on a project object.
To start, add a validator in the the app/validator/
with a file name like detail_page_validator.rb
class DetailPageValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
uses_messages :no_detail_page
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
if record.detail_page && value.blank?
record.errors.add(attribute, :no_detail_page)
Next, update your model to use the detail_page
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :name, presence: true
validates :slug, detail_page: true
In your form view nest the optional fields, and add some classes for js and sass. In this case we are looking at the project form.
= simple_form_for([:admin, @item]) do |f|
= fae_input f, :name
= fae_input f, :detail_page, helper_text: "This project has a detail page and should display on the Work category page(s)"
.js-optional-fields class=("#{ 'hidden' unless (params[:action] == 'edit' && @item.detail_page?) }")
= fae_input f, :slug, label_html: { class: 'is_required_and_hidden'}
Update Judge so that judge loads your custom EachValidtor
on the FE in a file name like ‘validator.js’
var Validator = {
init: function() {
judge.eachValidators.detail_page = function(options, messages) {
var errorMessages = [];
// 'this' refers to the form element
is_checked = $('#project_detail_page').prop("checked") === true;
if ( is_checked && (this.value === undefined || this.value === "")) {
return new judge.Validation(errorMessages);
and in FAE.js require the file above at the top
//= require validator
In fae.scss
add in some styles for the hidden
and is_required_and_hidden
// Do Not Delete this page! FAE depends on it in order to set its highlight color.
$c-custom-highlight: #e6253c;
.hidden {
display: none;
label.is_required_and_hidden {
&:before {
content: '* ';
color: $c-custom-highlight;
In fae.js
add in code for the toggling of the button detail page button to show and hide your conditionally required fields. Be sure to require validator js at the top, and init the Validator from the above js in the init or ready function.
//= require validator
var AcmeAdmin = {
init: function() {
var _this = this;
if ( $('body.projects').length && $('body.projects.index').length === 0 ) {
project_edit_listener: function() {
var _this = this;
check_for_detail_page: function(field) {
if ($(field).is(':checked')) {
} else {
$(document).ready(function() {